Desert Hot Springs has long struggled with low high school graduation and higher education attainment rates. In 2015, 68 percent of the population had attained a high school diploma, the second lowest percentage of all nine valley cities.
Now, a vocational school which has seen success in other Riverside County communities is looking to change the educational landscape in the city, providing GED courses and testing and hands-on vocational trainingand technical education that could help prepare local residents to join the valley’s workforce.
Smooth Transition, Inc., a non-profit, Western Association of Schools and Colleges accredited institution, focuses on certifications that can help get students into the workforce as soon as possible rather than degrees, according to executive director Dr. Robin Goins.
“We provide options for people who don’t fit the traditional models for education,” Goins said.
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Many of the programs atthe Desert Hot Springs location focus on skills needed to thrive in the hospitality services-dominated local economy including culinary classes, hospitality management and related skill sets. The school also offers training in fashion and interior design, radio broadcasting and entertainment technology.
Associate executive director Elsa Rodriguez-Fitzgerald said the courses are for adult learners and are fast-paced, with a focus on “hands-on” learning, which give students the opportunity to hone their skills as they learn.
She said the center tries to stay ahead of the curve, in terms of the direction of the job market, to ensure the training their students are getting is applicable now, but won’t be irrelevant 10 years down the line.
Staff at Smooth Transitionencourage students to “stack” their skills. For example, encouraging students pursuing a certificate in culinary arts to consider culinary management as well. This willmake themmore marketable to employers andmake their specific combination of skills more relative to the job market.
Asked about success stories, the administrators gesture to a wall outside the centers' conference room, filled with pictures of smiling former students clutching certificates, surrounded by friends and family. Many of the students who come through the school are the first in their family to attain a GED diploma or pursue post-high school education.
Rodriguez-Fitzgerald said she remembered a class she taught in Perris. Five girls in the program were "painfully shy" when it started, but before the program had even finished, one of the girls had gotten a job and been promoted. By the end of the course, she said the studentswere proud and confident in themselves and their skills.
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Goins said she remembered a student who had overcome drug addiction to attain her GED certificateand become a nurse. Her entire family, including four children, came to aGED graduation ceremony hosted by Smooth Transition to watch her become the first person in the family to complete a high school-level education.
"It's changing lives, one person at a time," she said.
The school has partnered with government organizations, veterans groups and Southern California tribes. The partnerships not only help with funding, but allow the center to create programs that give students hands on experience and a stake in the local community.
One such program, a partnership with the Riverside County Office on Aging, provided seniors with with a hot lunch made by students in the culinary arts program. Rodriguez-Fitzgerald said the program gave the students an opportunity to practice their skills and also provided seniors with a healthy meal and an opportunity to socialize with each other and the students.
Saturday marked the group’s first fundraiser in Desert Hot Springs, a sort of “welcome to the neighborhood” event that Goins said would help locals get acquainted with Smooth Transition and vice versa. All funds raised will be put towards program costs for the education center and developing a tuition fund for students.
Smooth Transition and all its programming is funded through a combination of private donations, grants and partnerships with government agencies. Goins and Rodriguez-Fitzgerald said they try very hard never to turn a student who is truly invested in furthering their education away.
“It’s a very personal approach and we’re invested in each of our students,” Rodriguez-Fitzgerald.
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Goins said they look for creative ways to help students fund their education, from bake sales, car washes and other traditional fundraisers to assistance with grant applications – the school doesn’t accept student loans – or even employment at the center itself. Both women have second jobs so their salaries don’t detract from the funds available for programming and tuition assistance.
The center has been up and running in Desert Hot Springs since fall 2016, but needs more student awareness and involvement,Rodriguez-Fitzgerald said.
“We’re here for the community, but the community needs to help us keep the resources here,” she added.
The educatorsencouraged anyone interested in learning more about or enrolling in their programs to visit the website or visit their brick and mortar location, at 13070 Palm Drive in Desert Hot Springs.
Corinne Kennedy covers the west valley for The Desert Sun. She can be reached at, on Twitter @CorinneSKennedy or at 760-778-4625.