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In a recent announcement by the Press Office, a significant update to the Dangerous Dogs Act has sent shockwaves throughout the dog-owning community. This development, to come into effect on 31 December 2023, brings with it a series of strict regulations and restrictions that every dog owner must be aware of. In this article, we’ll delve into the details of this announcement, the implications for XL Bully dog owners, and what actions need to be taken to ensure compliance.
Índice del contenido
Understanding the Ban
Owning an XL Bully Dog
Guidance and Breed Definition
Environment Secretary’s Statement
Línea de tiempo importante
From 1 February 2024
A Growing List of Prohibited Breeds
Public Reaction and Protests
Understanding the Ban
The announcement specifies that starting from 31 December 2023, breeding, selling, advertising, rehoming, abandoning, and even allowing an XL Bully dog to stray will be considered illegal activities. Furthermore, XL Bully dogs will be required to be amordazado and kept on a lead while in public spaces. The gravity of these regulations cannot be understated, and it’s essential for XL Bully owners to comprehend the implications fully.
Owning an XL Bully Dog
One of the most significant aspects of this announcement is the stipulation that from 1 February 2024, owning an XL Bully dog will also become illegal unless the dog is on the Index of Exempted Dogs. However, it’s crucial to note that as of now, applications for Certificates of Exemption are not being accepted. The Defra Press Office has assured that further details on the application process will be provided soon. This means that XL Bully owners have a limited window to prepare for the changes in legislation.
Guidance and Breed Definition
In response to concerns and questions from XL Bully owners, the announcement also included the release of guidance for owners and a clear breed definition. This transparency is designed to help XL Bully owners understand the criteria that will be used to determine whether their dogs fall under the banned category. This information is invaluable for owners uncertain about their dog’s classification.
Environment Secretary’s Statement
Environment Secretary Thérèse Coffey made a strong statement regarding the decision, emphasizing the government’s commitment to safeguarding the public from dog attacks. She stated they’re taking quick and decisive action to protect the public from tragic dog attacks. Therefore, adding the XL Bully type to the list of dogs prohibited under the Dangerous Dogs Act. It will soon become a criminal offense to breed, sell, advertise, rehome, or abandon an XL Bully type dog. XL Bully dogs must also be kept on a lead and muzzled in public. In due course, it will also be illegal to own one of these dogs without an exemption.
Línea de tiempo importante
To help XL Bully owners navigate these changes effectively, the announcement also provided a timeline of key dates and actions they should be aware of:
- Up until 31 December 2023: Owners should check their dog against the standard, start training their dogs to wear a muzzle, and walk on a lead before the restrictions come into force on 31 December 2023. XL Bully breeders should halt all breeding activity, as it will be a criminal offense to sell, transfer, exchange, gift, or advertise these dogs after this date.
- Desde el 31 de diciembre de 2023: All owners of XL Bully breed types must comply with strict conditions, including keeping their dogs on a lead and muzzled in public, and refraining from breeding, selling, exchanging, gifting, or abandoning their dogs.
- Up until 1 February 2024: Owners of XL Bully type dogs or owners of young dogs that could grow to be XL Bully type dogs have two options. They can apply for their dog to be added to the Index of Exempted Dogs. Owners should also ensure their dog is microchipped and registered on a microchip database. Planning to have their dog neutered is also important.
- Euthanising Su perro: The government will contribute £200 per dog towards the costs associated with euthanasia that takes place before 31 January 2024. Details on how to apply for compensation will be provided shortly.
From 1 February 2024
It will be a criminal offence to be in possession of an XL Bully in England and Wales, unless owners have received an exemption.
- Para el 30 de junio de 2024: If your dog is older than one year on 31 January 2024, it must be neutered by 30 June 2024. Owners will need to provide evidence of this by the given date to maintain their exemption.
- Antes del 31 de diciembre de 2024: If your dog is less than one year old on 31 January 2024, it must be neutered by 31 December 2024. Owners will need to provide evidence of this by the given date to maintain their exemption.
A Growing List of Prohibited Breeds
With the inclusion of XL Bullies in the Dangerous Dogs Act, they become the fifth type of dog prohibited in the UK, alongside the Pit Bull Terrier, Japanese tosa, Dogo Argentino, and Fila Brasileiro. Defra has compiled a list of prohibited breeds, making it illegal to own, breed, or sell dogs from this list.
However, it is essential to note that even beyond specific breed bans, owning any dog that is dangerously out of control is against the law and can result in prison sentences and unlimited fines.
Public Reaction and Protests
The ban on XL Bully dogs has garnered mixed reactions. Owners of these dogs have staged protests against the ban, including a march that took place through central London in September. It’s important to note that demonstrators did not bring their dogs to the protest.
Watch our expert interview concerning the initial announcement of banning American Bully XL following the attacks
The announcement regarding the inclusion of the XL Bully type in the list of banned dogs under the Dangerous Dogs Act is a momentous change that will impact many dog owners.
In the coming weeks, it is advisable to stay tuned for further information and guidance from the Defra Press Office. Additional details on the application process for Certificates of Exemption are expected to be released. In the meantime, XL Bully owners should proactively take the necessary steps to ensure they are in compliance with the new regulations and timelines. These changes may be significant, but with proper understanding and preparation, XL Bully owners can navigate them successfully.
A continuación:
The Ban on American Bully XL Dogs
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nina howell
Autor at Animales de todo el mundo. Licenciatura en Ciencias. Estudios ambientales
Nina es una dedicada escritora y editora de 'Animals Around the Globe'. Licenciada en Gestión Ambiental, su pasión por los animales y el medio ambiente está muy arraigada. Nacida y criada en Ciudad del Cabo, los majestuosos océanos cautivaron su corazón e impulsaron su búsqueda de la sostenibilidad. Más allá de sus escritos, Nina es una defensora de la conservación y una voz orientadora en la conciencia ecológica.
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